Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I fought my natural kinks and naps every month. The instant I felt those little change in my roots, I ran for the nearest salon and/or beauty supply for that next "hit". ( of Relaxed that is ) I know this description is offensive to some, but be true to yourself. It was an addiction to be straight like I was programmed to be since a child as far back as I can remember. Doesn’t anyone find it strange that we will scream from the roof tops that were black but we cant even love our god given beauty enough to accept the way that god made us a rock our kinks, curls and or naps. Interesting Hugh !! As a child I can remember having loving gorgeous hair and the minute I got my first relaxer my hair began the breakage but it was straight. LOL.

Take a look and the word relaxer. The dictionary defines relax as:
1 : to make less tense or rigid : slacken
2 : to make less severe or stringent : modify
3 : to deprive of energy, zeal, or strength of purpose
4 : to relieve from nervous tension
Interesting Huh! To deprive energy, zeal or strength

Affects Of Perms
Hair breakage, hair thinning, lack of hair growth, scalp irritation, scalp damage, hair loss. These are just some of the complaints from many who experience problems due to the misuse of chemical hair relaxers. In fact, the FDA lists hair straighteners and hair dyes among its top consumer complaint areas. Yet, in so many stores around the country, chemicals are available for everyone to use, without much instruction, a powerful process which transforms the basic chemical makeup of the hair strand.

Sodium Hydroxide is the strongest type of principal chemical used in some chemical relaxers because it provides the most long lasting and dramatic effects. However, this same sodium hydroxide is found in drain cleaners which well demonstrates the strength of this chemical. It is what is used in products that are referred to as “lye” relaxers. The strength varies from a pH factor of 10 to 14. With higher pH, the faster the straightening solution will take hold, but the more potential the damage.

  • Routes of Exposure: Sodium hydroxide can affect the body if it is inhaled or if it comes in contact with the eyes or skin. It can also affect the body if it is swallowed.
  • Summary of Acute Health Hazards Ingestion: Swallowing sodium hydroxide may cause severe burns of the mouth, throat, esophagus, and stomach. Death may result. Severe scarring of the throat may occur on recovery after swallowing sodium hydroxide. Symptoms may include sneezing, bleeding, vomiting, diarrhea, fall in blood pressure. Damage may appear days after exposure. An increased number of esophageal cancer cases have been reported to occur in individuals who have scarring of the esophagus from swallowing sodium hydroxide.
  • Inhalation: Effects from inhalation of the dusts, mists, or spray will vary from mild irritation to destructive burns depending on the severity of exposure. Symptoms may include sneezing, sore throat or runny nose. Severe pneumonitis may occur.
  •  Skin: Contact of the skin may cause skin irritation and, with greater exposure, severe burns with scarring a period may exist between exposure and sense of irritation).
  •  Eyes: Sodium hydroxide is destructive to eye tissues on contact. Will cause severe burns that result in damage to the eyes and even blindness. Contact lenses should not be worn when working with this chemical. Even a small amount in the eye can cause blindness.

Guanidine Hydroxide is the other common option of relaxer chemical used today. This is what is referred to as “no-lye” relaxers. This label can be misleading to some consumers. It does not imply that there aren't any strong chemicals used or that the chemicals used are somehow less potentially damaging. Some have mistakenly thought that with “no-lye” relaxers there are less steps and all the worry of chemical hair straightening is removed. Although this type of chemical hair relaxer can be less damaging than its counterpart, the hair and scalp should be in top condition before attempting treatment, and this type also requires special care when applied. With no-lye relaxers, calcium hydroxide and guanidine carbonate are mixed to produce guanidine hydroxide. It’s the hydroxide that makes the relaxer reactive (basic) and the way they work is the same. Both work by being highly alkaline and breaking the bonds in the hair. In fact, many people have reported no-lye relaxers leave their hair more dull and have gone back to lye relaxers. And some beauticians actually recommend against no-lye relaxers.

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